Welcome to Dream Team Designs

Posted on September 08 2023

Welcome to Dream Team Designs

The Dream Is Real

Welcome to the first ever blog post for Dream Team Designs!

My name is Stephanie, the maker and dreamer behind Dream Team Designs. Creating custom designs has become my life’s passion. Having started my own creative business over 23 years ago, I’ve always been the person who could create what you dream up. It’s a huge thrill! Through Dream Team Designs, I help you celebrate the big and small moments in life. Customizing something for you is way up there on favorite things ever—it’s a pleasure and honor to help you with your happy dreams.

Since this is all about introductions, I’d like to give a huge thank you and shout out to my wonderful and loving husband. He has provided me with his undying support and encourages and inspires me to share all of this with you. With the addition of this blog, he sees how Dream Team Designs is really growing and is my biggest fan.

My goal with this fabulous new blog is to give you a space to dive into what you love to celebrate. It’s my goal to share mom ideas, DIY, party planning tips and, of course, fun new t-shirt designs and must haves from our shop. I invite you to explore the shop for popular hits and fresh new designs—there’s always something new. Plus, it’s an all new website too!

Lastly, I’d love to hear from you. This blog is for you, and I look forward to working with you to shape the content we share. I’m always open to feedback, so please don’t be shy to reach out.

Thank you for being a part of the dream and for helping grow Dream Team Designs. Be sure to check out the cool fall picks in our shop before they’re gone. And keep a look out for some fabulous holiday designs I’ll be adding daily. In fact, in honor of this new blog, please use the coupon code: BLOGDREAM for 10% off your next purchase. The dreams keep on coming, don’t they!

Keep Dreaming

– Stephanie <3


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